At first I thought: "Well, this guy kind of has a point. It is true that My Little Pony originally was meant for little girls."
Then, after a few minutes, I realized: "Whoa, this guy is not sane! He clearly is afraid of the bronies only because it's new and strange for him!"
Yes, MLP is originally for little girls, but I can tell that the new "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" concept is totally different.
And people should be allowed to to what they want anyways. All this brony-hating, it's actually discrimination, which, as we all know, is bad.
So, MLP might be mainly for girls. But people should be allowed to do what they want. Hating bronies is like saying "Hey, that girl wants to work with machines, and that guy want to be a stylist! Let's hate them!"