Hello all, I know nobody knows me so I'll intro myself, my name is Chris, I'm a Java and web programmer IRL. So now you know about me
Anyway, I'll make this nice and simple. Don't post requests here. I will request moderators simply delete anything that is a request unless the request of course is coming from a senior development member (anyone with a blue or red name), then by all means request away.
Here's what I've gotten from my conversation in the applications thread as to what I'll be working on (or helping with):
-3D Component Context Crafting Framework
-Model importing
-XML/LUA model generation/creation
-shipyard system (kinda fuzzy on the details of that, will have to read Keon's log)
-power framework, computer controls (danice was working on this)
-Server-travel stuff (w/e it was ectrimble started on)
I'll be working on this in my spare time over the next few weeks so I'll keep this updated with my progress.
2012-09-05: Inter-server travel started.
2012-09-18: Inter-server listener/talker finished, testing tomorrow.
2012-09-18 - I've worked through a few issues, but have finally gotten the listener and talker's to work with the Minecraft engine. I'll be running an initial proof-of-concept test tomorrow.
2012-09-05 - Working with Frost, I've got a good idea of how we're going to accomplish the inter-server travel. The initial Version 1 of this will be simple. Move a player from one position on a server to another. However, and this is not just moving the player, the trick is to remove the player from the system completely (as though they left) and rebuild the player and their inventory they're carrying at the new location. Once this has been accomplished, on to step two of the process. I'll create a new block (or some interactive object in the game) that will allow a player to establish a connection to another server. This will act as a sort of gateway. When the block is placed, it will sent a status request to the destination server, I.E: server 1 ----hello, are you there----> server 2 -------why yes I am---> server 1. Once this has been established and I can get two MC servers talking to each other, the next goal will be to make a new feature for the gateway block. This new feature will allow a player to go from server 1 to server 2 with their inventory. Using what I learn from the initial build, it should make it much easier to delete and recreate a player on an entirely new server. Once I can easily move one player around, I will expand it to move an entity, then from there, expand further and further until we get the desired transportation system. More to come on this.