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 MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.

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Hierarch Fenway
The Schmetterling
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2011 12:01 pm

Hello my fellow modders, my name is MonsterTeddy. For those who don't know me, I'm the guy who is writing a new soundtrack for Futurecraft. I'm also creating new sounds for weapons, engines, enviroment and everything else that needs sounds. So if someone needs sounds, just ask me and I'll create it. Hopefully.

Also, english isn't my mothertongue, so if something is wrong or not clear enough, just point it out. I'll try to correct it.

First of all, let me talk about my motivation. For me, the sound is as imporant as the visual representation of content. That means, a soundtrack, sounds that actually make sense and sound real. Minecraft is a very good example how it should not be. You run through mostly silent areas and have always just the same digging sounds. There are mods that already fix that and so I think Futurecraft deserves a good soundtrack and good enviromental sounds to become one of the best mods out there.

It's actually a bit ironically, since outside the spaceship, there are no sounds, due to lack of a carrying medium.

Since the mod is still in it's very early development stages, there is not much I can do. I tried to think of a concept that covers everything I can think of. If I missed something, tell me.

The concept:

I'll be working on three major areas concerning sound.

  • Soundtrack
  • Enviromental Sounds
  • Entity Sounds


I was thinking about different actions that could trigger the soundtrack. Something like battle situations, cruising in your spaceship, encountering friendly players, landing on a planet. Each of those categories will have it's on distinct sound, similar to the cave/ambient sounds of minecraft. I'm not sure about the sound yet and this will probably take the most time, since it's not easy to write a complete soundtrack. I will try to make most of the music loopable, so that I can write shorter pieces that can be used for short sequences and, when looped, also fill longer sequences.

I sketched out some ideas for the voyage theme, that is such a looped part. Unfortuatly, I can't post links yet. It's mostly droning which in my opinion fits well into the theme of space. However, if you think differently, let me know.

For the overall charackteristic of the soundtrack, it will be mostly experimental (since this fits as well space as my skill) and a lot of strings/classical/orchestral Soundtrack (since that sounds huge, professional and is still pretty easy to make. It also fits well for battle themes and more energetic parts.)

If someone is interessted in the more technical aspects of my work (for example, how I achieve my sounds) just ask, and I'll explain it as good as I can.

Enviromental Sounds

This is something minecraft lacks nearly completly. No birds, no waves, not even wind. However, for futurecraft, I intend to change that. Every spaceship (even different parts of the same Spaceship) has it's own sound, be it a low frequenzy droning or a high frequenzy humming.

I'm not yet sure how I'll achieve this kind of sounds and how much of that is really realizable, but I guess it's simple then writing a soundtrack. I'll try and sample some sounds I have easy access to and manipulate them until they sound right. For example a fridge. Or something else. This will be part of later development stages when I know which enviroments I have and how often they change.

Entity Sounds

This is probably the most time consuming and yet most simple work to do. It basicly comes down to how much work one wants to put into it. We can give every door, every tile, every button and every laser turret a different sound. However this can grow unnecessary very fast. Also, it's not just one sound that has to be linked to a entity. The problem is that in reality no entity makes the same sound twice. Close, but not the same. Every time a turret fires it will sound a bit different. So lets say, I'll take one base sound for every entity we want to give a sound. Now I must alter that sound at least in ten different ways to have ten close sounding sounds, that sound still different. It's not hard, but it's time consuming. As I said before.

So, if someone needs a sound, tell me and I'll try and create a sound that's close to what you're thinking off.


So, in conclusion, there is not much I can talk about yet, however once the modding beginns to fall in place I will try to give my best to produce as much content as I can as fast as possible. If you have any kind of questions or suggestions, feel free to post them.

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The Schmetterling
The Schmetterling

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2011 3:50 pm

Considering that English is not your native language, you speak a great deal more grammatically correct than other people I have seen.
Although we don't did specific sounds at the moment, perhaps you could start some: like a low-pitched booming for the rail gun, or a higher pitched laser beam. It's up to you though.

Good luck.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2011 4:27 pm

As for the enviromental sounds, you could look to Matmos. It's not too hard to use. You can find it here:
http: // www . minecraftforum . net / topic / 379925-181-matmos -r6-environmental-sound-atmosphere-simulator /
Just remove all the spaces.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2011 6:46 pm

Not a real dev-blog? It's a dev-blog if you're talking about your progress on things necessary to this mod! Bravo! Nice to have a mixer on our team.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 4:22 pm

Dr. Mackeroth wrote:
Considering that English is not your native language, you speak a great deal more grammatically correct than other people I have seen.
Although we don't did specific sounds at the moment, perhaps you could start some: like a low-pitched booming for the rail gun, or a higher pitched laser beam. It's up to you though.

Good luck.

Thank you, I'm trying hard Smile

Regarding the sounds for the laser turret, I'd prefer to have a visual model first, so that I can match the sound to that model. It's hard to fit a sound to something you can't see. For example, the lower frequenze response is bigger when we have objects with more mass. depending on how big the turret is, I would have to make a sound that is either more prominetn in the lower and middle bass frequenzies, or cut the upper frequenzies as necessary. I'll try to sketch out some ideas, but for the final sounds it would be nice to see the models first.

Buggy1997123 wrote:
As for the enviromental sounds, you could look to Matmos. It's not too hard to use. You can find it here:
http: // www . minecraftforum . net / topic / 379925-181-matmos -r6-environmental-sound-atmosphere-simulator /
Just remove all the spaces.

Well, programming the triggers for the sounds is, thanks god, not my part to do, I'm just providing them. Very Happy

Shiva wrote:
Not a real dev-blog? It's a dev-blog if you're talking about your progress on things necessary to this mod! Bravo! Nice to have a mixer on our team.

Thanks for the welcome. Smile

the intellectual part

I decided to work on a kind of enviromental sound that I had quite some time in mind. It's the kind of low frequenzy droning you can hear when a spaceship flies through space. Since I don't have much else to talk about, I'll explain how I achieved this sound.

Now let's beginn. At first I tried to find out what exactly creates this sound. It can't be outside the ship because outside is nothing that could make a sound (well except maybe for asteroids crashing against the hull, but that makes a different kind of sound. So it is pretty clear that the sound needs to come from the inside.

Now, what could create that kind of "background noise"? It has to be a mechanical/technical devices that consumes energy and transforms it into either thermic energy (which would create a sound similar to static) or to mechanical/kinetic energy which would create a sound similar to a planeengine or something similar. Considering the fact that spaceships use futuristic technology one can assume that it is most likely not a mechanical engine but rather a thermical (well, at least something similar to it. Talking about Matter-Antimatter drives still results in a öarge thermic outcome, so it's safe to say that we will have a thermic distortion creating a certain sound.) So, in conclusion, it's most likely the engine that creates the sound I was looking for.

There is another factor that alters the sound in a certain way. Frequenzy dampening. The farther I'm away from the engine, the less higher and middle frequenzies I'll have. Now, considering that a engine room has certainly some kind of Isolation, it's pretty safe to say that outside of the engine room most of the higher frequenzies will be already lost. That means I'll have to create two different yet similar sounds. One for the engine room, and one outside for the rest. Considering that the sound outside of the engine room is the same as inside with just a certain degree of frequenzy dampening, I begann working on the sound of the Engine.

Now one could think that I'd try to find a sound that resembles an engine, but that was actually not what I did. Since there are no sounds that I could sample, I had to create my own "engine sample". That was actually not that hard. But let's start from the beginning:

"the beginning" (or "the sample")
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenvbase

This was my starting point. It's an atmospheric pad consisting of several ocillators and filters. Yet it was first of all, way to spread out to be an "Engine" sound, secondly not nearly as defined enough as I would like it to have, and third, way to melodic. Now, how would one change these parametes?

preparing the sample
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenvbase-dist

I begann with resampling the sample from stereo into pseudomono. Since the engine is one entity, the sound doesn't need to be true stereo. It's not a true mono source, either. After resampling, there where still some artifacts that where part of the stereo image. To get rid of them, I simply put a slight Distortion FX over it, resulting in a way less spread sound and a "dirtier" sound that doesn't sound as artificals as the atmospheric pad.

applying filters
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenvbase-comp-eq

The next step was to change the sound further. I added a compressor to achieve a more static sound without volume fluctuations and an EQ with an Lowpassfilter (meaning that every frequenzy above a certain threshold is dampend) at around 700hz, which cuts out most of the upper/middle mids and the highs, which are not really necessary for an engine. We now have a sound that could easily be an engine sound (At least in my opinion, I'm not sure what you think about that.)

the "room"
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenvbase-room

But that was not my final goal, I wanted to have the sound OUTSIDE the engine room aswell. There are just to components that are missing for that sound. The "room" and the isolation. The room is actually a bit tricky, since it depends on the dimensions and materials of the room. Bigger room = bigger reverb, harder material = more reverb. Since this is probably different for every room on the spaceship, this should be a dynamiclly changing parameter of the sound and should be applied by the game itself later on. I'm not sure if it's realizable, but if it is, the enviromental sounds would greatly benefit. Now, back to the engine sound. I choose a pretty big reverb in this case for two reasons. First; engine rooms are supposed to be rather big, and secondly, the filter I would put on later will pretty much cut out the frequenzies used by the reverb to simulate the dimensions of the room. That means that first I apply an effect and cut it nearly completely later, leaving just a certain aspect that is probably not even audible and yet alters the sound in a certain degree.

more filters
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenv-spacestationdroning

Now, the final sound after the isolation is achieved through a chain of frequenzy filters similar to those I applied earlier, cutting the whole spectrum of mids and leaving pretty much only the deeper bass frequenzies. That is because lower frequenzies travel much farther over vibrations that the higher frequenzies do. What we hear is actually not the sound of the engine, but the sound of a steadily vibrating hull caused by the vibrations of the engine, resulting in a static low freq droning kind of sound.


It's actually alot easier than it sounds. Normally I just throw filters on the sound until it sounds good, it's more of an intuitive work than really a lot of thinking. However, afterwards everything makes sense. I'll try to write some more about the sketches I've written (you can find them on the soundcloud page (soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft) I created for FutureCraft on the morrow or later this weekend, depending on when I find time.

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 9:21 pm

MonsterTeddy wrote:
Dr. Mackeroth wrote:
Considering that English is not your native language, you speak a great deal more grammatically correct than other people I have seen.
Although we don't did specific sounds at the moment, perhaps you could start some: like a low-pitched booming for the rail gun, or a higher pitched laser beam. It's up to you though.

Good luck.

Thank you, I'm trying hard Smile

Regarding the sounds for the laser turret, I'd prefer to have a visual model first, so that I can match the sound to that model. It's hard to fit a sound to something you can't see. For example, the lower frequenze response is bigger when we have objects with more mass. depending on how big the turret is, I would have to make a sound that is either more prominetn in the lower and middle bass frequenzies, or cut the upper frequenzies as necessary. I'll try to sketch out some ideas, but for the final sounds it would be nice to see the models first.

Buggy1997123 wrote:
As for the enviromental sounds, you could look to Matmos. It's not too hard to use. You can find it here:
http: // www . minecraftforum . net / topic / 379925-181-matmos -r6-environmental-sound-atmosphere-simulator /
Just remove all the spaces.

Well, programming the triggers for the sounds is, thanks god, not my part to do, I'm just providing them. Very Happy

Shiva wrote:
Not a real dev-blog? It's a dev-blog if you're talking about your progress on things necessary to this mod! Bravo! Nice to have a mixer on our team.

Thanks for the welcome. Smile

the intellectual part

I decided to work on a kind of enviromental sound that I had quite some time in mind. It's the kind of low frequenzy droning you can hear when a spaceship flies through space. Since I don't have much else to talk about, I'll explain how I achieved this sound.

Now let's beginn. At first I tried to find out what exactly creates this sound. It can't be outside the ship because outside is nothing that could make a sound (well except maybe for asteroids crashing against the hull, but that makes a different kind of sound. So it is pretty clear that the sound needs to come from the inside.

Now, what could create that kind of "background noise"? It has to be a mechanical/technical devices that consumes energy and transforms it into either thermic energy (which would create a sound similar to static) or to mechanical/kinetic energy which would create a sound similar to a planeengine or something similar. Considering the fact that spaceships use futuristic technology one can assume that it is most likely not a mechanical engine but rather a thermical (well, at least something similar to it. Talking about Matter-Antimatter drives still results in a öarge thermic outcome, so it's safe to say that we will have a thermic distortion creating a certain sound.) So, in conclusion, it's most likely the engine that creates the sound I was looking for.

There is another factor that alters the sound in a certain way. Frequenzy dampening. The farther I'm away from the engine, the less higher and middle frequenzies I'll have. Now, considering that a engine room has certainly some kind of Isolation, it's pretty safe to say that outside of the engine room most of the higher frequenzies will be already lost. That means I'll have to create two different yet similar sounds. One for the engine room, and one outside for the rest. Considering that the sound outside of the engine room is the same as inside with just a certain degree of frequenzy dampening, I begann working on the sound of the Engine.

Now one could think that I'd try to find a sound that resembles an engine, but that was actually not what I did. Since there are no sounds that I could sample, I had to create my own "engine sample". That was actually not that hard. But let's start from the beginning:

"the beginning" (or "the sample")
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenvbase

This was my starting point. It's an atmospheric pad consisting of several ocillators and filters. Yet it was first of all, way to spread out to be an "Engine" sound, secondly not nearly as defined enough as I would like it to have, and third, way to melodic. Now, how would one change these parametes?

preparing the sample
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenvbase-dist

I begann with resampling the sample from stereo into pseudomono. Since the engine is one entity, the sound doesn't need to be true stereo. It's not a true mono source, either. After resampling, there where still some artifacts that where part of the stereo image. To get rid of them, I simply put a slight Distortion FX over it, resulting in a way less spread sound and a "dirtier" sound that doesn't sound as artificals as the atmospheric pad.

applying filters
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenvbase-comp-eq

The next step was to change the sound further. I added a compressor to achieve a more static sound without volume fluctuations and an EQ with an Lowpassfilter (meaning that every frequenzy above a certain threshold is dampend) at around 700hz, which cuts out most of the upper/middle mids and the highs, which are not really necessary for an engine. We now have a sound that could easily be an engine sound (At least in my opinion, I'm not sure what you think about that.)

the "room"
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenvbase-room

But that was not my final goal, I wanted to have the sound OUTSIDE the engine room aswell. There are just to components that are missing for that sound. The "room" and the isolation. The room is actually a bit tricky, since it depends on the dimensions and materials of the room. Bigger room = bigger reverb, harder material = more reverb. Since this is probably different for every room on the spaceship, this should be a dynamiclly changing parameter of the sound and should be applied by the game itself later on. I'm not sure if it's realizable, but if it is, the enviromental sounds would greatly benefit. Now, back to the engine sound. I choose a pretty big reverb in this case for two reasons. First; engine rooms are supposed to be rather big, and secondly, the filter I would put on later will pretty much cut out the frequenzies used by the reverb to simulate the dimensions of the room. That means that first I apply an effect and cut it nearly completely later, leaving just a certain aspect that is probably not even audible and yet alters the sound in a certain degree.

more filters
soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft/fcenv-spacestationdroning

Now, the final sound after the isolation is achieved through a chain of frequenzy filters similar to those I applied earlier, cutting the whole spectrum of mids and leaving pretty much only the deeper bass frequenzies. That is because lower frequenzies travel much farther over vibrations that the higher frequenzies do. What we hear is actually not the sound of the engine, but the sound of a steadily vibrating hull caused by the vibrations of the engine, resulting in a static low freq droning kind of sound.


It's actually alot easier than it sounds. Normally I just throw filters on the sound until it sounds good, it's more of an intuitive work than really a lot of thinking. However, afterwards everything makes sense. I'll try to write some more about the sketches I've written (you can find them on the soundcloud page (soundcloud [dot] com/sounds-for-futurecraft) I created for FutureCraft on the morrow or later this weekend, depending on when I find time.


Wow, what do you use to make the sounds? I ought to try that, since im trying to find something to do to help the team.

Edit: I just listened to the main theme, and I can think of 2 things it would be PERFECT for: Menu music, and a trailer. The engine sound is perfect, and the voyage theme is wonderful, when I hear it I immediatly think of space.

You sir, are a master of sound.
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The Schmetterling
The Schmetterling

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 4:16 pm

I had a look at your sounds. Good work, just one small problem: I think that using such a high pitched sound for the ships is really going to irratete people.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 8:10 am

Dr. Mackeroth wrote:
I had a look at your sounds. Good work, just one small problem: I think that using such a high pitched sound for the ships is really going to irratete people.

Which sound are you exactly talking about? Shocked I don't hear any high pitched sound at all, besides some smaller artifacts that are barely audible and will vanish the second it's put into game. I don't know where the highpitched sound should come from, either, there is barely anything left in the upper frequenzies. (If we're talking about the same sound, the Engine-drone) I'll take a look at it and try to find it myself, maybe I've overlooked something.

However, regarding the irritation, I doubt that. On it's own the sound might be irritating, but once you put it into an enviroment where the player has to actively do things and has a constant input of visual data, the sound is going alot more into the background. Besides that, we can just make it quiet until it's not irritating anymore.

Buggy1997123 wrote:
Wow, what do you use to make the sounds? I ought to try that, since im trying to find something to do to help the team.

Edit: I just listened to the main theme, and I can think of 2 things it would be PERFECT for: Menu music, and a trailer. The engine sound is perfect, and the voyage theme is wonderful, when I hear it I immediatly think of space.

You sir, are a master of sound.


I use Reaper (Cockos Reaper, to be specific) as my main DAW in this case, since I play alot with different routing for reverbtails and delays and so on, and Reaper has simply a better Routingmatrix than Protools.

I have a 4/8 Channel Yamaha mixer I use as audiointerface for sampling with my mics (AKG Perception120 and a Shure SM58) and use the Native Instruments Koreplayer as main sample source. I have some other free plugins like the "Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra" which provides most of the strings I use. That's pretty much all of it. Well, and an AKAI midi-keyboard, but that's not really necessary, it makes things just way more convinient.

I will write more about the Main Theme once I can post links, that makes the whole thing a lot easier (Also, I'm pretty busy right now with my lectures and my own music)

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Hierarch Fenway
Hierarch Fenway

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 9:19 pm

These sounds are amazing. Pure gold right there. For some reason, the first "Sample" Sound sounds like what my brother's studio sounds like when all of the equipment is active. I might be able to use it if i can get his permission, but i doubt it. I think you could improve the sounds for inside the engine room by adding in some sort of low pitched, randomly fluctuating static in the backround of the main ambience, as it seems too stable for an engine room producing enough energy to run America for 10 years in a second.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 11:18 pm

Actually I doubt it would be anything less than perfectly stable if it was a reactor for a ship that large, AM-M reactions are easier to control than you would think.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2011 4:48 pm

MonsterTeddy wrote:
Dr. Mackeroth wrote:
I had a look at your sounds. Good work, just one small problem: I think that using such a high pitched sound for the ships is really going to irratete people.

Which sound are you exactly talking about? Shocked I don't hear any high pitched sound at all, besides some smaller artifacts that are barely audible and will vanish the second it's put into game. I don't know where the highpitched sound should come from, either, there is barely anything left in the upper frequenzies. (If we're talking about the same sound, the Engine-drone) I'll take a look at it and try to find it myself, maybe I've overlooked something.

I Indeed overlooked some small artifacts, found them after I ran a graphic analysis of the file. The high pitched noise you can hear on the soundcloud file however, appears to be artifacts from the soundcloud downsampling. Since I upload everything in WAV-files and soundcloud seems to play only MP3-files I suspect them to screw up while converting. On my original WAV-files (the ones that will be used in the Mod) there are absolutly no higher frequenzys left. (after i got rid of them, that means.)

Warning: Big picutres are BIG

The orange circle in the picture is total frequenzy cutoff at around 3.2khz, which is pretty much what we call mids. That means, above that frequenzy, there is absolutly nothing. The orange line is pretty much the audible vutoff, itÄs around -72db (meaning, that when you have your Stereo running at full volume (if you don't overdrive it) the signal is still 72db (which is alot) below the the peak. It cut's off at around 250-350hz, which is, simply put, nothing but bass.

This is the link to the newly uploaded droning, but as I said above, soundcloud put's in artifacts. which sucks. I'll try to get around that sometimes on the weekend.

Fenway wrote:
These sounds are amazing. Pure gold right there. For some reason, the first "Sample" Sound sounds like what my brother's studio sounds like when all of the equipment is active. I might be able to use it if i can get his permission, but i doubt it. I think you could improve the sounds for inside the engine room by adding in some sort of low pitched, randomly fluctuating static in the backround of the main ambience, as it seems too stable for an engine room producing enough energy to run America for 10 years in a second.

I hope you're not saying he has that much noise in his signalpath. If that's the case... oh boy. He probably should invest in some better cables.

Well, I'd rather not put in something randomly, simply because I try to keep the actual soundfiles as short as possible. If I am to add 3 "random" sounding events into the file, I'd have to make it a lot longer, which would crittically increase the filessize and probably the RAM usage (not sure of that). It's alot simple to have those random static added in a second layer by another entity, which emits those sounds at a truly random sequence.

Buggy1997123 wrote:
Actually I doubt it would be anything less than perfectly stable if it was a reactor for a ship that large, AM-M reactions are easier to control than you would think.

Well, IIRC, Antimatter and Matter is everything BUT stable, if it were, there would be no such problem as the annihilation reaction (not sure if it's called like that in english) and the whole concept of an Matter-Antimatter drive is based on the fact that matter and antimatter is so instable that it reacts as soon as there are only one matter and antimatter particle existant. (which basicly makes them very very unstable.) And the kind of AM-M reactions todays physicans are using are not the same kind that would be used for an engine. I think. However, I'm not that good at physics (which is ironic, because I'm actually stuying it) so I could be wrong.

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2011 12:15 pm

Indeed, the only form of AM-M reaction currently occuring is in the particle colliders, where they collide single electrons and positrons. And AM-M reactions are incredibly violent, yes, but the only known way one could be theoretically sustained is by using magnetic fields to levitate the AM and M, and magnetic fields can be precisely controlled.
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Super Developrator
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 12:21 am

Does the sound necessarily have to be the AM-M? Couldn't it just as easily be the cooling system, or the power plant?

Also, I think we need a sound for space-whales. They travel among the stars eating space-krill, and even though sound doesn't propagate through space, you can still hear their song in your head.
Because they are also psychic.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 2:20 am

fr0stbyte124 wrote:
Does the sound necessarily have to be the AM-M? Couldn't it just as easily be the cooling system, or the power plant?

Also, I think we need a sound for space-whales. They travel among the stars eating space-krill, and even though sound doesn't propagate through space, you can still hear their song in your head.
Because they are also psychic.
Awesome. This. Meme-level awesome.

Look up Treasure Planet(It's a movie), those whales you see at the middle-ish-start would be perfect. You also kinda made me think of Aerwhales too.

And your right I guess, AM-M reactors have to store and react AM in a perfect vaccume, so that means no sound whatsoever. Fun fact too, AM-M reactors can never have any sort of viewing port, AM-M reactions convert into energy as radiation(INCL visible light). So if you saw the inside of a AM-M reactor the light would literally burn your eyes out and bore holes in the back of your skull through your empty eyesockets.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 13, 2011 11:01 pm

fr0stbyte124 wrote:
Does the sound necessarily have to be the AM-M? Couldn't it just as easily be the cooling system, or the power plant?

Also, I think we need a sound for space-whales. They travel among the stars eating space-krill, and even though sound doesn't propagate through space, you can still hear their song in your head.
Because they are also psychic.

It's actually more the sound of the vibrations created by the engine rather then the reaction itself. I think I wrote that somewhere up there. ^.^

As for the Spacewhale: Clicky, Clicky I'm not sure if this is good enough (or even good) but it is what I hear in my head when I hear "spacewhale" (It could be a bit slower, though.)

It's basiclly a horrible sample, highpassed to get rid of excess noise, reverbed to get a more roomy feeling, deessed to get rid of more noise in the sample, then copied, shifted down an octave and mixed back into the orignal sample, and then highpassed another time because there was still some noise. Now there is no noise, but it sounds a bit dull. Yeah, I guess I'll ahve to look into that a bit more.

So, in the last two weeks while I didn't post I haven't done much, but at least something. Those who visit the soundcloud acc might have noticed the two new tracks I uploaded, Voyage 2 + 3 (I really have to start giving them names, numbers are ridicoulous.)

The first one is a classic example of droning. There is absolutly nothing interessting going on, and the piece itself is incredibly simple. But I think it would suffice as background music while flying through, well, nothing Razz

The second is different. Much shorter and more complex. I'm not sure about this one, to be honest, because I donÄt know if the electronic approach is appreciated. I guess that's something you'll have to decide.

There is another song that might be useful, it's a composition containing nothing but a piano and a cello section, it's basicly a puristic approach to a cinematic soundtrack. Don't know if something like that would fit into space. Just thought I throw it out here. Oh, btw, this is on my personal soundcloud, so don't bother with the other music ^.^

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 14, 2011 4:07 pm

MonsterTeddy wrote:
fr0stbyte124 wrote:
Does the sound necessarily have to be the AM-M? Couldn't it just as easily be the cooling system, or the power plant?

Also, I think we need a sound for space-whales. They travel among the stars eating space-krill, and even though sound doesn't propagate through space, you can still hear their song in your head.
Because they are also psychic.

It's actually more the sound of the vibrations created by the engine rather then the reaction itself. I think I wrote that somewhere up there. ^.^

As for the Spacewhale: Clicky, Clicky I'm not sure if this is good enough (or even good) but it is what I hear in my head when I hear "spacewhale" (It could be a bit slower, though.)

It's basiclly a horrible sample, highpassed to get rid of excess noise, reverbed to get a more roomy feeling, deessed to get rid of more noise in the sample, then copied, shifted down an octave and mixed back into the orignal sample, and then highpassed another time because there was still some noise. Now there is no noise, but it sounds a bit dull. Yeah, I guess I'll ahve to look into that a bit more.

So, in the last two weeks while I didn't post I haven't done much, but at least something. Those who visit the soundcloud acc might have noticed the two new tracks I uploaded, Voyage 2 + 3 (I really have to start giving them names, numbers are ridicoulous.)

The first one is a classic example of droning. There is absolutly nothing interessting going on, and the piece itself is incredibly simple. But I think it would suffice as background music while flying through, well, nothing Razz

The second is different. Much shorter and more complex. I'm not sure about this one, to be honest, because I donÄt know if the electronic approach is appreciated. I guess that's something you'll have to decide.

There is another song that might be useful, it's a composition containing nothing but a piano and a cello section, it's basicly a puristic approach to a cinematic soundtrack. Don't know if something like that would fit into space. Just thought I throw it out here. Oh, btw, this is on my personal soundcloud, so don't bother with the other music ^.^


The third voyage theme is PERFECT for a peaceful trailer, while the main theme is good for a more action-y one. The spacewhales sound is great, though it seems kind of repetative.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2011 6:20 pm

Buggy1997123 wrote:

The third voyage theme is PERFECT for a peaceful trailer, while the main theme is good for a more action-y one. The spacewhales sound is great, though it seems kind of repetative.

Well, I think it would probably be the best if I'd write the trailermusic directly onto the trailer (that's also more or less industry standard)(depending on how many trailer we want to realease, of course), but I'm glad you like them.

The spacewhale sample are more or less 4 or 5 different samples spliced together, for the finished product we'd need to cut them into the seperate samples. (but I couldn't be bothered to upload 5 of them, so I didn't do that. Sorry, I'm lazy.)

Today I present you the first Battlethemed part of the Soundtrack: Tada!!!

I have also a similar idea (means, lots of strings and stuff) but I'm not sure, it sound alot like the Starwars Theme, so I'm not sure about that. (not mastered, that's why it sounds quirky)

Yeah, that's it for this week, I'm looking for feedback how to continue, btw, so everythings fine? Let me know, guys.

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2011 7:32 pm

MonsterTeddy wrote:
Buggy1997123 wrote:

The third voyage theme is PERFECT for a peaceful trailer, while the main theme is good for a more action-y one. The spacewhales sound is great, though it seems kind of repetative.

Well, I think it would probably be the best if I'd write the trailermusic directly onto the trailer (that's also more or less industry standard)(depending on how many trailer we want to realease, of course), but I'm glad you like them.

The spacewhale sample are more or less 4 or 5 different samples spliced together, for the finished product we'd need to cut them into the seperate samples. (but I couldn't be bothered to upload 5 of them, so I didn't do that. Sorry, I'm lazy.)

Today I present you the first Battlethemed part of the Soundtrack: Tada!!!

I have also a similar idea (means, lots of strings and stuff) but I'm not sure, it sound alot like the Starwars Theme, so I'm not sure about that. (not mastered, that's why it sounds quirky)

Yeah, that's it for this week, I'm looking for feedback how to continue, btw, so everythings fine? Let me know, guys.


I agree that normally you first make the trailer and then the music over it, but right now im actually looking up music to base the trailer around, do you think maybe I should create a script for the trailer and figure out all the events and put the music over that like normal? Or stick with the way im doing it?
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeThu Nov 24, 2011 7:11 am

Hey guys, just wanted to drop by and let you know that there won't be anything new from me until thursday next week, since I'm busy with work and other stuff and won't be able to touch my gear until then. But don't worry, I've already working on something cool ^.^

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 11:17 am

So, it's a week later then I planned, but i pretty much hit a dead end with my music writing. Don't worry, happends sometimes and it disappears as fast as it comes. That basically means that I tried to write something over the last two weeks, but I didn't really come up with anything I liked.

Just now I've written something that might be useable, however I'm unsure if it fits.

clicky clicky

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 12, 2011 10:20 pm

MonsterTeddy wrote:
So, it's a week later then I planned, but i pretty much hit a dead end with my music writing. Don't worry, happends sometimes and it disappears as fast as it comes. That basically means that I tried to write something over the last two weeks, but I didn't really come up with anything I liked.

Just now I've written something that might be useable, however I'm unsure if it fits.

clicky clicky

Sounds great, a neat change of pace.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 18, 2011 1:44 am

Thanks, at least one person appears to like the music I make Very Happy

Alright, I've been composing around a big battle theme the last few days, and I got an early arrangement down. I know how you all want to have a listen.

I'm kind of wasted right now, did too much writing in too short of time, but I'm pretty statisfied with what I've came up.


Any similiarity with work of Hans Zimmer is coincidental. Really.

It's also not yet mixed, so it's messy and chaotic. Will sound a shitton better once it's mixed and masterd.

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 18, 2011 2:50 am

Impressive, even though its an early arrangement, it sounds good.
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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 19, 2011 6:58 pm

Click me, dude.

just wanted to tell you that I finished the arrangement for the song. I going to polish it tomorrow and maybe I'll have it mixed until Christmas. Maybe.

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MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Empty
PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 19, 2011 8:27 pm

Nice. I wasn't really sure where you were going with the original arrangement, but this is pretty fantastic.
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PostSubject: Re: MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog.   MonsterTeddy's Musical Devlog. Icon_minitime

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